The Soda Pop

Foo Fighters 1995

Check out our album review of Foo Fighters's Foo Fighters on Rolling .. Fighters; Foo Fighters; Roswell Records. By Alec Foege August 10, 1995.

Before hitting American highways and recording their new studio album in eight different cities across the country, Dave Grohl had a different idea for Foo Fighters’ eighth studio album. As Grohl revealed in a new interview with NME, he originally considered re-recording Foo Fighters’ landmark debut. “At one point I thought, ‘You know what would be really funny? To re-record the first Foo Fighters record as the band we are now’ – ‘cos the first record isn’t the Foo Fighters, it’s just me. So what if, for the 20th anniversary, we went in and re-recorded the first record – same songs, same arrangements, in sequence – but as the Foo Fighters 2014?” Grohl, of course, recorded Foo Fighters’ 1995 self-titled debut entirely solo, performing all the instruments himself. Made in just seven days, the record was rough around the edges and featured a patchwork of lyrics written by Grohl just minutes before he laid down each track. Yet, these imperfections sat well with grunge rock fans still coming to terms with the reality of a post-Nirvana world. Fortunately, Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins thought better of Grohl’s idea. “Taylor was like, ‘Are you out of your fucking mind?!'” Grohl recounted. “‘That’s the worst idea ever! People would fucking hate it!’ And Pat [Smear, guitar] said, ‘That’s exactly why we should do it!'” Foo Fighters’ new album, Sonic Highways, arrives November 10th. Below, watch an early performance from 1995.

Foo Fighters is the debut studio album by American alternative rock band Foo Fighters, released on July 4, 1995, by Capitol Records through Dave Grohl's label ..

Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters on AllMusic - 1995 - Essentially a collection of solo home ..

Aug 28, 2012.. Foo Fighters weren't even an actual band in 1995: Grohl recorded the songs by himself over the course of a week in the fall of 1994. The album ..

foo fighters 1995

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Something we hope you'll especially enjoy: FBA items qualify for FREE Shipping and . If you're a seller, Fulfillment by Amazon can help you increase your sales. We invite you to learn more about Fulfillment by Amazon . ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY April 8, 2011 We’re a measly two decades out, but 90’s nostalgia is already hitting its dubious peak: Scuffed-up Doc Martens and slouchy flannel shirts are ubiquitous again, My So-Called Life DVDs are required (re-) viewing, and Pearl Jam are steadily reissuing their grunge-defining back catalog. Still, it’s hard for any new band to compete ... Read more in Amazon's Foo Fighters Store {"currencyCode":"USD","itemData":[{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":6.98,"ASIN":"B000002TYK","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":6.99,"ASIN":"B000020617","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":7.99,"ASIN":"B000QEIORG","isPreorder":0}],"shippingId":"B000002TYK::zw5a5Am8IfBps1qmFKxazI8kEct1el213cRDZaosegwcnRjoE8lx1xwc6s3nW3ftKchZzUmq6Gqjs1VkLyLS1inEYMHWoLnVejB%2Fev1+/7L1qWm4dtXzchmrLEVQC%2FmJPuA%2FxsZROR2eTr5vDsWRpA==,B000020617::OkHCDnBraIjATI7iwjMfzcaGSHFAVaPTfl2N0GwgiEeP%2BNbHGuvNCJW2AvZYhbRMU1EbCNg7c%2F1vAoHoz2%2Bwy7zbHCk%2FK1JyTgRb0UWtrxc%3D,B000QEIORG::jaJSo1YH1GH4F4yWGF%2BU9RF5dIbLl2imOsnj61za5vyUO1PY4ORuBKhDJmh0KYOnxEeu2gjv%2BdJCiXmy6BXZ6jH2%2FK87N9Dgq1bfZY3xAYU%3D","sprites":{"addToWishlist":["wl_one","wl_two","wl_three"],"addToCart":["s_addToCart","s_addBothToCart","s_add3ToCart"],"preorder":["s_preorderThis","s_preorderBoth","s_preorderAll3"]},"shippingDetails":{"xz":"same","xy":"same","yz":"same","xyz":"same"},"tags":["x","y","z","w"],"strings":{"addToWishlist":["Add to Wish List","Add both to Wish List","Add all three to Wish List","Add all four to Wish List"],"addToCart":["Add to Cart","Add both to Cart","Add all three to Cart","Add all four to Cart"],"showDetailsDefault":"Show availability and shipping details","shippingError":"An error occurred, please try again","hideDetailsDefault":"Hide availability and shipping details","priceLabel":["Price:","Price for both:","Price for all three:","Price For All Four:"],"preorder":["Pre-order this item","Pre-order both items","Pre-order all three items","Pre-order all four items"]}} The Foo Fighters have moved to bigger and better acclaim for their later albums (e.g. _The Colour & The Shape_, et al.), but to me, the albums that followed this one, their debut, while good, were not as compelling, due to the more polished sound that would creep up on those albums. The rawness of this album is what helps give it more of an intimacy, not to mention the fact that, with the exception of one song, the whole album is performed by Dave Grohl: guitars, bass, drums, and vocals -- all Dave. The intimate feel of this album (yeah, an "intimate" album that "rocks," go figure, but it works) is what makes it my absolute favorite in the Foo Fighters catalogue. As many know, Dave was the drummer of Nirvana, and many would think that Dave trying to form his own band after the split-up of those Seattle juggernauts, would prove to be an embarrassing failure. This was *hardly* the case, as The Foo Fighters are an *excellent* band, and I *personally* don't think about Nirvana's ghost while listening to The Foo Fighers; this alone should tell you something (or at least it would tell you that I disagree with the editorial review on this page.) In other words, The Foo Fighters (to me) stand on their own, and don't remind me much of Nirvana. Recorded in one week during October of 1994 (just months after Kurt Cobain's death, and Nirvana's demise), but released in July of 1995, this debut album is jam-packed with chewy, sweet-tasting pop confections -- of course shielded with lush, heavy guitars which produce a thick wall-of-sound -- and is hard not to fall in love with.Read more › Dave Grohl wanted the Foo Fighters debut, which, as every punk and their grandmother can attest, was written and performed almost entirely by Grohl -- Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs contributes a guitar track to "X-Static" -- to stand on its own merits. When "Foo Fighters" first debuted, Grohl was quoted as saying, he wanted to do everything possible to distance himself from the success of his former band, to avoid the Foos being viewed as a cash cow Nirvana spin-off as so many other bands from the era were being lambasted. He probably just didn't expect those merits to win him a Grammy or two and leave him at the virtual top of the modern rock pyramid. And honestly, listening to this record as out-of-context-ly as possible, it's difficult to imagine that the Foo Fighters' sound could mutate into the quintessential "modern rock" sound at all. "Weenie Beenie" and "Watershed" are acidic bursts of punk charged with theatrical but, befitting the punk style, ultimately simple, guitar flourishes. It's hard to imagine anyone but the most baroquely annoying old farts claiming them to be "immature" and "for teenagers only" -- as the old saying goes, if it's too loud, then you're too old. However, as with any Nirvana record, "Foo Fighters" possesses an ear for buttery, swirling pop rivaling the best the 1960s had to offer. Cobain and Grohl always seemed to share a lot of the same ideas about making music. It was the little differences that set them apart.Read more › On October 17, 1994, Dave Grohl headed to a Seattle studio with the intent of recording just another demo tape. This was something he had been in the habit of doing for the past 4 years as a way to kill time when he was on break from his "other" band, NIRVANA. The only difference was, this time for Grohl, the break was permanent. NIRVANA's magical reign on top of the rock and music world had abruptly ended with the death of Kurt Cobain, the band's frontman, earlier that year. For months, Grohl had been devastated, unable to bring himself to think about music again. But now, here he was. With his old friend and long time personal producer Barrett Jones by his side, he returned to Robert Lang's Studios, where NIRVANA's final recording session had taken place that January. For the next 6 days, Grohl and Jones, with (a little) help from Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs, recorded approximately 15 songs that Grohl had been working on while he had been a member of NIRVANA. A demo tape of this work then was circulated amongst Grohl's friends and peers within the industry. The buzz was off-the-charts. Everyone that heard the tape begged Grohl for more, and were shocked to find out he had been doing this for years on his own. Suddenly, the guy who had been "lucky enough to not be the next drummer replaced by Kurt" had people yelling at him to start his own band. After some time, Grohl obliged, and to appease the hype, decided that by January of 1995, he would release twelve songs off the demo tape as the self-titled release of his not-yet-existent-band, the Foo Fighters, and then rushed off to recruit bandmates before that. But that is another story. The album/demotape itself?Read more › Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters: Music

There Is Nothing Left to Lose ~ Foo Fighters Audio CD $6.99.. Audio CD (July 3, 1995); Number of Discs: 1; Label: Capitol/Roswell Records; ASIN: ..

foo fighters 1995Dave Grohl almost re-recorded Foo Fighters' 1995 debut with the full band

Nov 5, 2014.. Grohl, of course, recorded Foo Fighters' 1995 self-titled debut entirely solo, performing all the instruments himself. Made in just seven days, the ..