George Clarke's Amazing Spaces is a British television series that first aired on Channel 4 on 23 October 2012. The show follows people who turn unconventional things, such as old boats, into incredible places to live. It is presented by George Clarke. Channel 4 website George Clarke's Amazing Spaces at the Internet Movie Database 2014 Amazing Spaces Shed of the year revealed
Series1; Series2; Series4.. Christmas Spaces Series 4 Episode 9.. Amazing Spaces' presenter George Clarke reveals some of his favourite conversions from ..
Read the latest George Clarke's Amazing Spaces episode guides & recaps, reviews.. SEASON 4, EPISODE 9: George Clarke's Amazing Christmas Spaces.
Architect George Clarke shows how such big dreams can be achieved in small and affordable places. people who are taking tiny, unpromising spaces and creating the most incredible places to live and work and play. Network: Channel 4.
George Clarke's Amazing Spaces
The series celebrating ingenious and eccentric small builds returns. George Clarke explores the extraordinary world of small builds, where people turn tiny ..
George Clarke explores the extraordinary world of small builds, where people turn tiny spaces into the most incredible places to live, work and play. He even tries making a few of his own. Storyline George Clarke explores the extraordinary world of small builds, where people turn tiny spaces into the most incredible places to live, work and play. He even tries making a few of his own.