
Hobbit Battle Of The Five Armies Ost

Music of The Hobbit film series

hobbit battle of the five armies ost

Fire and Water - Howard Shore Shores of the Long Lake - Howard Shore Beyond Sorry and Grief - Howard Shore Guardians of the Three - Howard Shore The Ruins of Dale - Howard Shore The Gathering of the Clouds - Howard Shore Mithril - Howard Shore Bred for War - Howard Shore A Thief in the Night - Howard Shore The Clouds Burst - Howard Shore Battle for the Mountain - Howard Shore The Darkest Hour - Howard Shore Sons of Durin - Howard Shore The Fallen - Howard Shore Ravenhill - Howard Shore To the Death - Howard Shore Courage and Wisdom - Howard Shore The Return Journey - Howard Shore There and Back Again - Howard Shore The Last Goodbye - Billy Boyd Ironfoot - Howard Shore Dragon-sickness - Howard Shore

Nov 1, 2014.. Thanks to Amazon's France website, we now have the track list for Howard Shore's score for the third and final Hobbit film The Battle of the Five ..

Dec 9, 2014.. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack from 2014, composed by Howard Shore. Released by WaterTower Music in 2014 ..

Amazon.com: Howard Shore: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Special Edition): Music.

hobbit battle of the five armies ost

The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Special Edition) [+digital booklet]: Howard Shore: Amazon.co.uk: MP3 ..

For the soundtrack of the 2003 video game, see The Hobbit (2003 video game). .. In The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, it is played on the song "Ravenhill ..

Dec 9, 2014.. Preview songs from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Special Edition] by Howard Shore on the ..

The music of The Hobbit film series is composed and produced by Howard Shore, who scored all three The Lord of the Rings films. The music for An Unexpected Journey was performed and recorded by the London Philharmonic Orchestra as it was for The Lord of the Rings. However, the music for The Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of the Five Armies was performed and recorded by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. The soundtrack album for An Unexpected Journey received nominations for various awards and peaked in the top ten album charts in multiple countries. Bilbo's theme: A variation on the 'Shire theme'; a harmonious motif to represent Bilbo Baggins, the main protagonist. This theme is surprisingly absent from The Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of the Five Armies. Erebor theme: A rising motif using three-horn calls that represents the homeland of the Dwarves. Arkenstone theme: A choral motif that accompanies the Arkenstone, the most valuable jewel in the Dwarves' possession. The Woodland Realm theme: a choral motif which accompanies Thranduil and the elves as they greet Thror during the prologue. Thorin's theme: A hopeful motif representing Thorin Oakenshield, first appearing when Thorin tries to defend Erebor's gate from the dragon Smaug, during the prologue. Smaug's theme: A menacing and discordant theme representing Smaug the Terrible. Gandalf's theme: A five-note motif that represents Gandalf the Grey; this theme is different than that of Gandalf the White's theme, from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo's Antics: Appears as Bilbo struggles with the Dwarves' lifestyle and lives out of his comfort zone; represents his "Tookish" side. Misty Mountains theme: Represents the Dwarven Company, their Quest to reclaim Erebor, and their crossing of the iconic Misty Mountains. It is also the basis for the "Song of the Lonely Mountain" by Neil Finn. However, it is curiously absent from The Desolation of Smaug and The Battle of the Five Armies. Radagast theme: A quirky theme for Radagast the Brown, representing his perpetual motion. Dol Guldur/The Necromancer: aggressive and sombre theme that represents the dark fortress of Dol Guldur and the Necromancer within. Azog's theme: Variation on the 'Descending Third motif' of Mordor, here representing the film's main antagonist Azog the Defiler. Moon theme: A motif that represents the Dwarves' moon runes, and their secret doors. Goblin-town theme: A chaotic and brassy theme which appears when the Dwarves get captured by the Goblins. Bilbo's Heroics: Appears at the end of the film when Bilbo saves Thorin's life. Warg Scouts' Theme: A 13 note motif that appears in the songs "Warg Scouts" and "Out of the Frying Pan". In The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, it is played on the song "Ravenhill." Beorn's theme: A deep and brassy theme played several times in the opening tracks. Mirkwood theme: The theme is built around slow succession. Different variations are played when the Company wanders in the forest. Thranduil's : Wholly majestic theme orchestrated with beautiful strings and ethereal voices, often representing Thranduil. Legolas's theme: A fast paced, dance-like theme based on the first line of The Woodland Realm theme but differentiating in tempo. Tauriel's theme: A powerful and melodic string rhythm appears as a theme several times. Later on, the theme is varied based on the scenario. Bard's theme: The theme reflects his ambiguity as a character. The Heirs of Durin: A theme that represents Thorin, Kili, and Fili. The theme starts similarly to Thorin's Theme, but plays out differently. It is featured in the tracks "Durin's Folk" and "My Armor is Iron". In The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, it is played in "Beyond Sorrow and Grief" and "Mithril" and is featured prominently at the beginning of "Sons of Durin." Kili's Theme: A short theme that is played on a trumpet. It appears at the beginning of "Feast of Starlight." In The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, it is played at the beginning of "Shores of the Long Lake" and is played near the end of "Ravenhill." Tauriel and Kili: A love theme that represents the relationship between the two characters. It appears in "Feast of Starlight", "Kingsfoil", and "Beyond the Forest". Bolg's Theme: A loud and ominous theme that appears at the end of the extended version of "The Forest River" and appears in "The Hunters." It is very similar to Azog's Theme. Smaug's Cunning: A motif that appears throughout almost the entire soundtrack. It is loudly heard in "A Liar and a Thief" and "Smaug". In the films its played almost every time a reference to Smaug is mentioned. On The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, it is used as a motif to represent Thorin's Dragon Sickness. Esgaroth Theme: A 10-note theme that represents Lake-Town. It appears prominently in the tracks "Protector of the Common Folk" and "Thrice Welcome". The Master of Lake-Town's Theme: The theme, played by woodwinds, strings and a clavichord, reflects his high position and his greedy nature. Alfrid's Theme: A short motif that represents The Master of Lake-Town's slimy assistant, Alfrid. It appears briefly in "Protector of the Common Folk" and it appears in the film version of "The Battle of the Five Armies." Girion's Theme: A motif to represent the Last Lord of Dale who injured Smaug, who is also Bard's ancestor Bilbo's Schemes: A short motif to represent Bilbo's role as a burglar. It is played during "Barrels Out of Bond". In The Battle of the Five Armies soundtrack, is played during "A Thief in the Night" and "There And Back Again". Dain II "Ironfoot"'s theme: A heroic theme played by woodwinds, trumpets, and bagpipes. It appears in "Ironfoot" and "Battle for the Mountain", and it is played in the movie during Dain's arrival to the Lonely Mountain and the beginning of the battle. Bard's family's theme: A gently rising a falling theme which, after being hinted at in the second movie, is first played in full during "Fire and Water". A heroic rendition of the theme appears during the end of "Battle for the Mountain". It also appears in the extended version of "Ironfoot". Gundabad theme: A driving, offbeat theme for Mount Gundabad and its forces. It is first played out in "Bred for War", and features prominently at times in "Ravenhill". The Army of Thorin: A harsh motif that is played with drums and horns in the tracks "The Ruins of Dale" and "Mithril", representing the militarization of Thorin's company. Bard's Leadership Theme: A short motif that appears in "Shores of the Long Lakes", "Ironfoot", and "Dragon-Sickness". In the film, it is played when Bard is searching for the Master of Laketown and Alfrid exclaims "All Hail King Bard!" As with Lord of the Rings, many soloists performed music for the three films. These include Neil Finn who performed the "Song of the Lonely Mountain" in An Unexpected Journey and Richard Armitage as a cast performer. James Nesbitt also performs in the extended edition of An Unexpected Journey. Music of The Lord of the Rings film series Official website of Howard Shore Doug Adams's blog on the scores and his book, The Music of the Hobbit Films

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Release Date: 2014-12-09. • Deluxe · CD •. New music from Howard Shore to ..

hobbit battle of the five armies osthobbit battle of the five armies ost

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