Disney has just released Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Saga on GoG's digital store, alongside numerous other fantastic LucasArts classics, including.
Amazon.com: Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - PC: Video Games
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Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds lets you lead Star Wars armies to victory in intense real-time strategy clashes. Enter the fray as the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Trade Federation, Wookiees, and other civilizations or organizations in campaigns that will determine the final outcome of the Galactic Civil War. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is an epic real-time strategy set against a backdrop of the entire Star Wars saga. The conflicts involve six key civilizations: Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Wookiees, Gungans, Royal Naboo, and the Trade Federation. Execute your campaign over land, sea, and air with more than 300 different units and structures in single-player campaigns, skirmishes, and multiplayer battles. Combat arenas extend from interstellar asteroids and aerial encounters to submerged cities and ground battles. Deploy vast legions of units into battle--up to 200 per side--with groups that include bounty hunters, Jedi Knights, stormtroopers, X-Wings, AT-ATs, snowspeeders, AT-STs, Wookiee Kas tanks, and droids. Manage your resources and integrate the power of upgradable technology into your strategy, such as Wookiee ingenuity, advanced Gungan biotechnology, and Jedi stamina. Each technology level brings new wonders and new forces. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds features accessible gameplay built upon the familiar RTS engine adapted from Ensemble's popular Age of Empires series. Use the scenario editor to create custom single- or multiplayer battlegrounds with virtually any Star Wars units and settings. Those of you that had the displeasure of playing LucasArts' first attempt at Star Wars real time strategy might be disinclined to take the bait a second time. You would be missing out, however, as Galactic Battlegrounds goes a good way towards making up for its abominable predecessor. While GB is definitely not an attempt to create a unique RTS system, at least it works, which is far better than can be said about FC. Galactic Battlegrounds uses the AOE 2 engine, and it plays a lot like Age of Kings. If you're experienced with the medieval-era strategy game, you probably won't even need to play the tutorial or read the manual. Now, before you run off and dismiss this game as Age of Kings with Star Wars sprites, you should know that the Star Wars sprites are really quite cool. Also, the game actually does play quite a bit differently, owing to the fact that almost all the units are ranged and there are air units. If you discount the last fact (as I did at least once) you risk the nasty surprise of having your opponent flatten your base with bombers. Another one of the best things about Battlegrounds is that it runs very smoothly over even a mediocre internet connection, much like AOE 2 does. It also enjoys rock-solid stability and a few useful improvements over the old game engine. For example, when you build a harvesting center, the workers you used to make it will automatically start harvesting when they're done building. Also, the 'idle villager' button flashes when there is one, so you don't have to keep clicking on it to find out. Of course, nothing is perfect, and although Battlegrounds sure seems perfect in the light of its predecessor, it could have been better. The graphics are only so-so. I really think LucasArts could have done a better job with the blaster shots and explosions. They are all non-antialiased colored lines and white flashes- the sort of thing you'd expect a 3 year old with crayons to draw. This wouldn't be so bad if you weren't always staring at them. I should also note here, however, that the graphics (aside from scaling) are arguably better than Force Commander's. This says a lot when you consider the fact that that game was 3-D. On another aesthetic note, but hardly the least important one, the original John Williams soundtrack is retained in this game. If there is any immediate indicator that LucasArts has learned from FC and worked to amend its deficiencies, this is it. Also, I'm sure many will agree that there could hardly be a be a better tune for playing against your best friend or kid brother than 'Duel of the Fates.' Another probable defficiency is that the game plays too much like Age of Kings. This goes down all the way to the scenarios, which aside from different heroes, run in a VERY similar fashion to the AOE 2 single player missions. The only real difference in the campaign is that each mission line has a 'bonus mission' that plays out a hypothetical alternate battle. Some of them are quite fun- say, the big slaughter of Gungans, including everyone's favorite, Jar-Jar Binks. If you've ever sadistically wondered how Darth Maul stacks up against him, here's your chance to find out. You can also (if you're good) win the battle of Hoth and generally make hay out of the canonical storyline. This is never a boring thing for a Star Wars fan to do. The established game engine certainly carries more advantages than disadvantages when you add them all up. It was definitely a good idea for LucasArts to license it. In fact, it's such a good idea that you'll inevitably wonder why they didn't do this in the first place, instead of going through all the trouble of making their own 3-D engine (no simple task) only to have it eat the floorboards on store shelves. For those who played Force Commander and wish they hadn't, I encourage you to give Galactic Battlegrounds a try. Especially if you haven't played Age of Empires before, it'll go a good way's towards fulfilling an aching need for some good Star Wars strategy gaming. Read more › I was dubious when I first heard about Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds because I have Age of Empires II, and it wasn't my favorite game (to be polite). I found the campaigns to be dull and derivative, the computer AI to always be too easy or too hard, and all of the civilizations bled together. Admittedly, to some extent, SWGB suffers from these same problems. The single player missions are rather derivative, and more to the point, they don't have a whole lot of the movie's scenes. Again, the AI can be too hard or easy. However, the races are all quite distinct. Sure, the majority of units share a commonality among all races, but they look entirely different, enough so as to convince me these really are different factions. In fact, it makes it easy to play any race and know what you're doing, but the battles still have to clear sides fighting. This game is much more fun multiplayer, where there're several fun ways to play. The computer AI still seems pretty inconsistent, but it's definitely on par with other strategy games. If I haven't yet convinced you, let me put it this way: How would you rate re-enacting the battle (and escape) on Hoth from Episode 5? If you're like me, 5 stars!
An infamous RTS game created by LucasArts, it was largly based off of Age of Empires, and was considered the better Star Wars RTS of the time (Others bieng ..
Description Included FREE goodies: manual+ manual (Clone Campaign)+ reference cards The destiny of a galaxy hangs in the balance, and you are in command! Lead the great armies of the Star Wars™: Episode II: Attack of the Clones saga in intense real-time strategy clashes. Read more About: Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga includes Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds and the expansion pack Star Wars™ Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns. The destiny of a galaxy hangs in the balance, and you are in command! Lead the great armies of the Star Wars™: Episode II: Attack of the Clones saga in intense real-time strategy clashes. Enter the fray as the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Wookies, Trade Federation, Gungans or Royal Naboo to determine the course of the Galactic Civil War. Expand the battlefield with the Clone Campaigns addon. Choose to play as the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems or the Galactic Republic in 14 missions based around characters, vehicles and locations from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Execute campaigns over land, sea, and air in single-player campaigns, skirmishes, and multiplayer battles. Combat arenas extend from interstellar asteroids to epic ground battles to aquatic realms. Deploy vast armies-up to 200 units per side - that can include Bounty Hunters, Jedi, Droids™, Wookiee Kat tanks and much more. Manage resources and upgradeable technology into your strategy, such as Wookie ingenuity, advanced Gungan biotechnology and Jedi stamina. Create custom single or multiplayer campaigns featuring virtually any Star Wars units and settings with the Scenario Editor.