The SM-3 was a derivative of the Standard SM-2ER Block IV using the LEAP (Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile) homing vehicle to give AEGIS naval ..
SM-3® is a defensive weapon used by the U.S. Navy to destroy short- to intermediate-range ballistic missile threats. This 'hit-to-kill' missile interceptor uses an exoatmospheric "kill vehicle," to collide with targets in space, a capability that's been likened to hitting a bullet with a bullet. The massive collision of the kill vehicle hitting its target obliterates the threat completely; explosives are not necessary.
Aug 18, 2014.. The SM-3 is an interceptor designed to shoot down ballistic missiles. The SM-6 is designed to shoot down aircraft and cruise missiles and ..
The SM-3 is a defensive weapon used by the U.S. Navy to destroy short- to intermediate-range ballistic missiles. The SM-3 destroys incoming ballistic missile ..
On 15 March 2013, US Secretary of Defense Hagel announced that the US was restructuring the SM-3 Block IIB program. It had been planned that SM-3 IIB would be deployed as part of the European Phased Adaptive Approach. The purpose was to add to the protection of the US homeland already provided by existing Ground Based Interceptors against missile threats from the Middle East. The timeline for deploying the program was subsequently delayed to at least 2022 due to cuts in congressional funding.
Mar 15, 2013.. On 15 March 2013, US Secretary of Defense Hagel announced that the US was restructuring the SM-3 Block IIB program. It had been planned ..