In Jasper, Nevada, three young humans—Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai and Rafael Esquivel—are accidentally caught in the crossfire in a fight between giant, mechanical aliens that transform into ordinary vehicles. The three kids are taken to the base of the Autobots, where the Autobot leader Optimus Prime explains that he and his team are a race of autonomous robotic organisms from the far-off planet Cybertron, and they are fighting over their life-source, Energon, with the Decepticons...
List of Transformers: Prime episodes
Sep 18, 2013.. HASBRO and its logo, TRANSFORMERS, TRANSFORMERS PRIME and all related logos and characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are ..
Transformers: Prime - Season Two ~ Peter Cullen DVD $17.99.. Animated, Box set, Color, Dolby, NTSC, Widescreen; Language: English; Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only.. Transformers: The Complete Series ~ Peter Cullen DVD.
Kids, TV. Transformers Prime: Ultimate Autobots.. New Releases. Transformers Beast Machines: The Complete Series Two Seasons In One Complete Series. View Product. The Transformers: Season Two, Vol. 1 [30th.
53, 1, "Darkmount, NV", Shaunt Nigoghossian, Marsha.. Smokescreen finds Optimus Prime, still alive but badly.. him to help complete the synthetic energon formula and restore Cybertron.