Teya Salat

Visual Audio Sensory Theater

Video ID: Dimensions: Resolution: Volume: Stream Type: CPN: Mime Type: DASH: Protected: Bandwidth: Decoded Frames, Dropped Frames, Parsed Frames ..

Visual Audio Sensory Theater

Visual Audio Sensory Theater is the debut album by the band VAST, released on April 28, 1998 by Elektra Records. The album mixed samples of Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Saint-Maur and Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares, with an 18-piece orchestra, guitars and electronics.

Preview songs from Visual Audio Sensory Theater by VAST on the iTunes Store. Preview, buy, and download Visual Audio Sensory Theater for $9.99.

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Visual Audio Sensory Theater

Visual Audio Sensory Theater is the debut album by the band VAST. It was released on April 28, 1998. The album mixed samples of Benedictine monks of the ..

Visual Audio Sensory Theater